An Update

So, just got my hands on the new Space Marine codex and I am very happy so far.  My Storm of Wrath chapter are looking to be a successor to the Imperial Fists.  What’s funny is that it explains my use of the yellow on the armor and heraldry, and that in the fluff there is an Imperial Fist battle barge called the Storm of Wrath.  It’s like they wrote that in for me.  I need to revamp my list for the new point cost of models.  I am holding off on doing the same to my Tyranids until their new codex, which is rumored to be before the end of the year still.

I made a decision to thin my collection out a bit lately.  I am down to “only” having four 40K armies now: Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Tyranids, and Necrons.  For Fantasy I only have the Ogres that I am working on.  I may add some other Space Marine chapters to my forces, Black Templars and Minotaurs being the prime candidates at the moment.  I still have large swathes of Storm of Wrath marines to paint in the meanwhile.

In the meantime, I have actually finished my first 10 man squad of Terminators and been working on some Ogres.  I am painting the 6th Tactical Squad (technically squad 3, but the last of the six I need) for my Battle Company.  To finish the company I need to finish that squad, a command squad, an assault squad, a devestator squad, and a dreadnaught.  Which all sounds like a lot until you consider I’ve already painted 50 tactical marines, 10 assault marines, 10 devs, two characters, and two dreads.  I’ll get some photos up soon.

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