More Space Marine Musings, and some Pics

So, I am still super excited about the new Space Marine Codex.  There are so many things I would like to try out with this book, but more than anything it has pushed my focus back to my beloved Storm of Wrath Space Marine chapter.  I started this chapter eight or nine years ago with the intention of making my own chapter based on an Ultramarines successor.  They were intended to be a city fighting/urban warfare specialist chapter, with their recruits coming from an imperial hive world.  With the new book I’ve made a few modifications to their story.  Now they are an Imperial Fist successor, which helps mold them into urban warfare/siege specialists role.  Also, it helps explain some of my heraldry, such as the sergeants having yellow helms and the yellow symbols that are predominate against the turquoise armor, it is all a homage to their parent chapter’s colors.  In addition, in the new fluff there is an Imperial Fist battle barge called the Storm of Wrath.  I like the idea of a new chapter being named after one of the crusade era relics of the parent chapter.

For a while I was toying with the idea of adding some allies from other chapters, namely the Black Templars and the Minotaurs.  I just love painting Space Marines, and would love to add more to my collection.  I picked up some really cool shoulder pads and helmets from Puppet Wars that have a Greek/Spartan feel that really screams Minotaurs.  Also, I love the idea of a Templar force.  I may pursue these ideas in the future, but for now they are all shelved.  I just finished assembling a Legion Glaive for my chapter, and started priming it last night.  I have a few pieces I need to re-clean before priming later today, but overall I should be ready to start painting it later this week.  A super-heavy tank for my marines.  That has helped focused me on some things I would like to do for this army before moving on to something else.  For one, I need to finish my battle company, the 4th.  I have 21 models left to finish a project I started when I started this army all those years ago.  It doesn’t seem like much, only 21 models, but every marine takes a lot of time and commitment for me to paint.  There have been a few years where I was lucky if I could muster the motivation to paint a full 10 man squad.  Now, my painting techniques have changed over the years, and the way I paint the marines now is a bit easier and less time intensive.  In fact, I’ve painted 10 tactical marines, 5 terminators, and several vehicles over the last two months, which is an amazing amount for me.

With that said, I am planning on wrapping up the 4th company this year.  I have two models left for the Command Squad, 9 devestators, and a full 10-man assault squad to go.  After that I own 95 of the 110 models needed to make the 1st company, I just need a 10th squad plus a command squad.  This does not count any transports, just 10 10-man squads, a Captain, Chaplain, 5-man command squad, plus 3 dreads.  Of that I have 22 models painted so far, a squad of Terminators, a squad of Sternguard, and 2 Contemptors.  Not a bad start, but a ways to go.  I also have a handful of scouts, about 25 on foot, plus 5 bikes.  I really have no desire to paint the 10th company though.  What I do have a desire to do is add the 9th company at some point.  The idea of fielding the Devestator Reserve Company in an Apoc game is really appealing, and falls into my theme of a siege list.  Plus I have a unique look planned for that company that I would like to further explore.  The friend of mine who sculpted my original shoulder pads will be casting some news one for me soon, and with that I may have to start adding some new models to my collection.  I even have ideas on how to field the 9th in normal games.

I am looking at some of the now very dusty projects for my marines.  There is a Caestus, a Storm Eagle, and even a Thunderhawk.  These things need to be done at some point soon.  For now though I am going to focus on finishing the 4th company, some Centurions for the 9th, the Glaive, and some Hyperios Air Defense Batteries.  I have not been this excited for my marines since I first started this army, and I am really looking forward to the next leg of this journey.

Also, as promised, here are some pictures of the Hunter I just added to the list.  I will have an updated points tally for my Imperials soon.




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